The Greek Paradox: Promise vs Performance,co-edited with Graham Allison, Cambridge:MIT Press, 1996.
Contributors include: Gianna Angelopoulos Daskalaki, Nikiforos Diamandouros, Michael Dukakis, Misha Glenny. Dimitris Keridis, Stephen Larrabee, Joseph Nye, Alexis Papahelas, Elizabeth Prodromou, Monteagle Stearns, Konstantino Stefanopoulos, Stavros Tomadakis, Basilios Tsingos, Loukas Tsoukalis, and Susan Woodward. Greek translation published by Ekdoseis Papazisi, Athens, 1997. Turkish translation published by Dogan Kitap, Istanbul, 1997.
“Getting to Yes: Suggestions for Embellishment of the Annan Plan for Cyprus” South East European Studies Programme, European Studies Centre, St Antony’s College, Oxford (with Othon Anastasakis and Gilles Bertrand), February 2004.
“Fostering Social Inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of EU Accession Conditionality” w/ Heather Grabbe, World Bank Working Paper 39, 2000.
- Robert Howse, co-editor of the Federal Vision. Click here to view the virtual book tour.
“Legitimacy through “Higher Law?” Why Constitutionalizing the WTO is a Step Too Far,” with Robert Howse, in Thomas Cottier, Petros C. Mavroidis and Patrick Blatter (eds), The Role of the Judge: Lessons for the WTO , (Bern:The World Trade Forum), Volume 4, 2002.
“Enhancing WTO Legitimacy: Constitutionalization or Global Subsidiarity?” with Robert Howse in Marco Verweij and Tim Josling (eds), Deliberately Democratizing Multilateral Organization, special issue of Governance (2003).
“‘This is my EUtopia…’: Narratives of Power” with Robert Howse, in Journal Of Common Market Studies, Special Anniversary issue, 2003; and in: Joseph H H Weiler, John Peterson and Iain Begg (eds) Integration in an Expanding European Union: Reassessing the Fundamentals. (Oxford and Malden MA: Blackwell Publishing), 2003.
The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU, Oxford University Press, 2001 (co-edited with Robert Howse). Includes 4 authored chapters (3 of which are co-authored).
Large and Small Member States: Reinventing the Balance / Grands et petits Etats dans l’Union européenne : réinventer l’équilibre with Paul Magnette, Notre Europe, Research and European Issues, May 2003.
“Coping with the Lilliput Syndrome: Large vs. Small Member States in the European Convention, Politique Europeene no. 14, Spring 2004 (with Paul Magnette).
“Coping with the Lilliput Syndrome: Large vs. Small Member States in the European Convention, European Public Law Vol. 11, 1, pp.83-102, 2005 (with Paul Magnette).
“Shared Leadership in the EU: Theory and Reality’, (with Simone Bunse and Paul Magnette), in Curtin, D., Kellermann, A.E., and Blockmans, S. (eds) (2005) The EU Constitution: The Best Way Forward? (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press).
“Big versus Small: Shared Leadership and Power Politics in the Convention”, (with Simone Bunse and Paul Magnette), in Mazzucelli, C. and Beach, D. (2006) Leadership in EU Constitutional Negotiations.
“In Defence of Europe – A Response to Kagan”, Journal of European Affairs, September 2004 (with Anand Menon and Jennifer Welsh).
Revisiting Trade Competence in the European Union: Amsterdam, Nice, and Beyond” with Sophie Meunier, in Madeleine O. Hosli, Adrian van Deemen and Mika Widgren (eds.) Institutional Challenges in the European Union, London/New York: Routledge 2002.
“The European Union as a Trade Power” in Christopher Hill and Michael Smith (eds) (2005) The International Relations of the European Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (with Sophie Meunier).
“EU Trade Policy: The Exclusive versus Shared Competence Debate” (with Sophie Meunier), in Maria Green Cowles and Michael Smith, eds. The State of the European Union: Risks, Reform, Resistance, and Revival, Vol. 5, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 2001.
Trade Competence Debate in the Nice Treaty,” with Sophie Meunier, ECSA Review, vol. 14, no. 2, Spring 2001.
Revisiting Trade Competence in the European Union: Amsterdam, Nice, and Beyond” with Sophie Meunier, in Madeleine O. Hosli, Adrian van Deemen and Mika Widgren (eds.) Institutional Challenges in the European Union, London/New York: Routledge 2002.
“Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam: Interests, Influence and Institutions” with Andrew Moravcsik, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 37, n1, March 1999, pp59-85; to be reprinted in Theorising European integration: Theoretical approaches on Treaty Reform, Geoffrey Edwards and Eric Philippart, eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
“How to Fix Europe’s Image Problem”, Foreign Policy, May-June 2005 (with Andrew Moravcsik).
“Integrating the Two Halves of Europe: Theories of Interests, Bargaining and Institutions,” with Stephan Haggard, Marc Levy and Andrew Moravcsik, in Robert Keohane, Stanley Hoffmann and Joseph Nye, eds., After the Cold-War: State Strategies and International Institutions in Europe, 1989-1991, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, June 1993.
“Federal Ideals vs Constitutional Realities in the Amsterdam Treaty” with Andrew Moravcsik, Keynote article, Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Review, October 1998.
“‘This is my EUtopia…’: Narratives of Power” with Robert Howse, in Journal Of Common Market Studies, Special Anniversary issue, 2003; and in: Joseph H H Weiler, John Peterson and Iain Begg (eds) Integration in an Expanding European Union: Reassessing the Fundamentals. (Oxford and Malden MA: Blackwell Publishing), 2003.
Whose Europe? National Models and the Constitution of the European Union, European Studies at Oxford Series, Oxford University Press, 2003 (co-edited with Stephen Weatherill).
Whose Europe? National Models and the Constitution of the European Union, European Studies at Oxford Series, Oxford University Press, 2003 (co-edited with Stephen Weatherill).
“In Defence of Europe – A Response to Kagan”, Journal of European Affairs, September 2004 (with Anand Menon and Jennifer Welsh).