
Kalypso Nicolaidis is professorial Chair of Global Affairs at the EUI School of Transnational Governance in Florence, where she convenes the EUI Democracy Forum. She is currently on leave from the University of Oxford where she has been professor of International Relations and a governing body fellow at St Antony’s College at the European Studies Centre since 1999. Previously professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and at ENA, she has worked with numerous EU institutions, including as a member of the European Council’s reflection group on the future of Europe chaired by Felipe González (2008-10). Her research interests revolve around internal and external aspects of European integration as well as global affairs, theaters of recognition, demoicratic theory, transnational legal empathy and social solidarity, global governance and international trade, sustainable integration, post-colonialism, myth and politics and the import of new technologies on international relations. Her last books are: A Citizen’s Guide to the Rule of Law – Why We Need to Fight for the Most Precious Human Inventions of All Time (with Adis Merdzanovic, 2021) and Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit (2019).

Extended bio:

Nicolaidis also chairs Southeastern European Studies at Oxford and is Council member of the European Council of Foreign Relations. In 2012-2013, she was Emile Noel-Straus Senior Fellow at NYU Law School (2012-2013). She also served as advisor on European affairs to George Papandreou in the 90s and early 2000s, the Dutch government in 2004, the UK government, the European Parliament, the European Commission, OECD and UNCTAD.

She teaches courses on international relations theory and history, global governance and trade, international political economy, transnational democracy, the EU in crisis, EU law, game theory, research methods and interdisciplinarity. She has published widely in numerous journals including inter alia in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, International Organization. Her other books include: The Greco-German Affair in the Euro Crisis: Mutual Recognition Lost? (w/Sternberg and Gartzou-Katsouyanni, Palgrave, 2010) Echoes of Empire: Memory, Identity and Colonial Legacies (ed w/ Sebe and Maas, IB Tauris, 2015), Normative Power Europe Revisited (ed w/ Whitman, Journal Conflict and Cooperation, 2013), European Stories: Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Context (ed w/ Lacroix, OUP, 2010), as well as The Federal Vision (2001) and The Greek Paradox: Promise vs Performance (1997). She is a graduate of Sciences-Po (Diplome Service Public, 1982; DEA Economie Internationale) and received her PhD from Harvard in Political Economy and Government in 1993.

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Read more:

Recent interview: “The classroom is a space for conversation”

Visit my new professional home in Florence, the PALAZZO BUONTALENTI or the Medici Casino of San Marco

Interview with the DPIR Inspires Magazine

Member of the global committee:

Member of EU IDEA Advisory Board

Spring 2021 – Member of The Good Lobby Profs, which is a “rapid response” academic network supporting civil society groups and citizens engaged in the defense of the principles on which both the Council of Europe and the European Union are founded. Composed of 60+ academic members and supported by Prof Laurent Pech, Dr Joelle Grogan, and Prof Alberto Alemanno, this network represents a unique opportunity for scholars to join forces to counter major rule of law violations and abuse of power within and across Europe.

Watch the launch of the project here.
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