
The future of the island of Ireland (w/John Bruton [Fine Gael]) at the Centre for Geopolitics, University of Cambridge, 8.11.2021

​​Europe of Peoples – Each and Every Person Matters, Webinar hosted by: Renew Europe (18.03.2021)

The Contribution of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) to the Democratization of the EU (EUI, 16.03.2021)

Conference on the Future of Europe – Launch of a New Europe, or Just Another Disappointment?” (College of Europe, 14.01.2021)

The Covid-19 pandemic and what it means for the world? (Thessaloniki Symposium, 30.11.2020)

Penser l’Europe sur le long terme, par Kalypso Nicolaïdis (Cosmocene Production, 07/06/2020)

L’après-Brexit : 11 mois pour un accord (France24, 03/02/2020)

Interview with France24 (English) about my book (02/12/2019)

Royaume-Uni : colère et indignation a près la décision de B.Johnson (France 24, August 2019)

Stanley Hoffmann: Memories of Life on a War-torn Continent

PRIDE OR PREJUDICE? Ft. Kalypso Nicolaidis (RT, July 2018)

Live interview on Brexit, France, and the future of the EU (France 24, August 2018)
Interview on Brexit (France 24, March 2018)

Re:Thinking Europe” with Philipp Blom (De Balie, 27 June 2017)

“The Road to Brexit” (Lionel Derimais, 29 May 2017)

Exodus. Reckoning. Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit” (European Studies Centre, University of Oxford, 9 February 2017)

“How can the Brexit negotiations become a positive sum game?” (Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, 22 November 2016)

PoliticTactToe [1] (19 November 2016)

Max Weber Lecture: “Three Meanings of Brexit” (Fiesole, 26 October 2016)

Interview with Max Weber Fellows (Fiesole, 26 October 2016)