Theatre and Immersive Debating

COP35 – a mega negotiation game 

With my students,  we also develop new big negotiation simulation as another brilliant immersive debating technic.  Hopefully, delegates at COP will adopt it too.

Spring 2021

Time to Retreat?

A tragicomedy on European crises and non-European sanctuaries’ Our STG take on Europe seen from the rest of the world, repeat with audience- as-citizen engagement.

See also:


In the wake of my book tour before the pandemic for Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice I have been experimenting with better and fun ways to engage with citizens-as-publics both in real and virtual space.  The talk-with-Q&A is not the only way. In contrast, I believe that taking part in the action as “audiences” in theatre (or even in films as with Rocky Horror Picture Show) is in a continuum with practices of participation as citizens. Can we experiment at the intersection of these two worlds? My TED talk tried to lay out a sort of exposition for this idea — based on inviting the audience to think of itself as a greek chorus. But of course, in the context of a TED talk all i could do is invite recitation at the end. I labelled the approach “theatre of recognition.”

On this basis I developed a little video on in collaboration with the Oxfordshire IF theatre, Frankie Lowe and Lea Prentaki providing the set up for a more active audience engagement.


Four sessions:

Most recently, I have worked with my wonderful EUI students to set up a play about European encounters with the rest of the world in the context of the EUI’s State of the Union 2021 and the brand new addition of the SOU4YOU.