Anastasakis, Othon; Bertrand, Gilles; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Getting to Yes: Suggestions for Embellishment of the Annan Plan for Cyprus Online
South East European Studies Programme, European Studies Centre, St Antony’s College, Oxford 2004.
title = {Getting to Yes: Suggestions for Embellishment of the Annan Plan for Cyprus},
author = {Othon Anastasakis and Gilles Bertrand and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/cyprus_report.pdf},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-02-00},
organization = {South East European Studies Programme, European Studies Centre, St Antony’s College, Oxford},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Turkey is European… for Europe’s sake Online
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands 2004.
title = {Turkey is European… for Europe’s sake},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/turkey_european.pdf},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-00},
booktitle = {Turkey and the European Union: From Association to Accession?},
organization = {Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
The new constitution as european ‘demoi‐cracy’? Journal Article
In: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, vol. 7, pp. 76-93, 2004.
title = {The new constitution as european ‘demoi‐cracy’?},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369823042000235985?scroll=top&needAccess=true},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/1369823042000235985},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-00-00},
journal = {Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy},
volume = {7},
pages = {76-93},
address = {Paris},
abstract = {How should we assess the project for a Constitution presented by the Convention on the Future of Europe? This paper argues that in order to succeed, an EU Constitution would need to present a positive vision of what democracy in Europe is about. While the draft Constitution fails in finding the right language in this regard, it does nevertheless contain an all too implicit manifesto: that ours is a European ‘demoi‐cracy’ founded on the recognition of the persistent plurality of its component peoples but not reducible to a set of complex bargains between sovereign states. The paper analyses the main feature of the project against this benchmark and argues that it is closer to the spirit of demoi‐cracy when dealing with the vertical relationship between the Union and its member‐states than when dealing with the horizontal relationship among the member‐states themselves.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Fabre, Thierry; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
L’Union Européenne, puissance post-coloniale en Méditerranée? Journal Article
In: Colonialism et postcolonialism en Méditerranée, 2004.
title = {L’Union Européenne, puissance post-coloniale en Méditerranée?},
author = {Thierry Fabre and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {http://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/NicolaidisPostcolonialism04.pdf},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-00-00},
journal = {Colonialism et postcolonialism en Méditerranée},
publisher = {Marseille: éditions Parenthèses},
abstract = {Comment penser une Europe qui pèse vraiment dans les affaires du monde, et de l’espace méditerranéen en particulier? On ne cesse de le répéter : à l’aune de la puissance américaine, l’Union Européenne ne fera pas le poids militairement pendant certainement des décennies. Et de toutes façon, son ambition ne peut être de s’opposer ou de se comparer aux Etats-Unis, ni même de se présenter comme puissance alternative, alors qu’au Sud personne ne regrette le temps de la « mission civilisatrice de l’homme blanc », version archéo. Reste qu’entre les deux écueils, celui d’un hégémonisme américain s’exprimant au travers d’une politique de domination unilatérale, et celui d’une gestion conjointe du monde servant les intérêts propres des deux puissances, l’Europe peut choisir une troisième voie, celle d’être non une puissance mais un modèle alternatif, non pas systématiquement contre ou avec mais à côté des Etats-Unis. Un tel projet s'articulerait autour de quelques principes clés: le principe de cohérence d’une part, entre l’être et le faire, politiques internes et ambitions externes, le principe de réciprocité d’autre part, qui suppose de renverser le regard sur en regard de l’autre, non plus de l’Occident vers l’Orient, mais du Sud vers le Nord. Enfin, il s’agit de donner un contenu fort à la notion d’une Europe réellement et profondément post-coloniale, une Europe qui serait à même de tourner pour de bond la page mal écrite du « clash des civilisations », grille de lecture commode mais si dévastatrice du monde contemporain.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
The Power of the Superpowerless Book Chapter
In: Lindberg, Tod (Ed.): Beyond Paradise and Power: Europe, America, and the Future of a Troubled Partnership, pp. 93-120, Routledge, 2004.
title = {The Power of the Superpowerless},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Tod Lindberg},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/powersuperpowerless.pdf},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-00-00},
booktitle = {Beyond Paradise and Power: Europe, America, and the Future of a Troubled Partnership},
pages = {93-120},
publisher = {Routledge},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Nicolaïdis, Kalypso; Nicolaïdis, Dimitri
The EuroMed beyond Civilisational Paradigms Book Chapter
In: Adler, Emanuel; Bicchi, Federica; Crawford, Beverly; Sarto, Raffaella A. Del (Ed.): The Convergence of Civilizations? Constructing a Mediterranean Region, pp. 337-378, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004, ISBN: 978-1-4426-2112-1.
title = {The EuroMed beyond Civilisational Paradigms},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaïdis and Dimitri Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Emanuel Adler and Federica Bicchi and Beverly Crawford and Raffaella A. Del Sarto},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/NicolaidisMedFinal0504rev2.pdf},
isbn = {978-1-4426-2112-1},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-00-00},
booktitle = {The Convergence of Civilizations? Constructing a Mediterranean Region},
pages = {337-378},
publisher = {Palgrave-Macmillan},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
La Turquie dans l'Union, en miroir de l'Europe Journal Article
In: Mouvements, vol. 1, no. 31, pp. 128-132, 2004.
title = {La Turquie dans l'Union, en miroir de l'Europe},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {https://www.cairn.info/revue-mouvements-2004-1-page-128.htm#},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-00-00},
journal = {Mouvements},
volume = {1},
number = {31},
pages = { 128-132},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Lacroix, Justine; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Quelle justice au-delà de l'État-nation ? Deux paradigmes pour l'Europe Journal Article
In: Mouvements, vol. 5, no. 35, pp. 105-113, 2004.
title = {Quelle justice au-delà de l'État-nation ? Deux paradigmes pour l'Europe},
author = {Justine Lacroix and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {https://www.cairn.info/revue-mouvements-2004-5-page-105.htm},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-00-00},
journal = {Mouvements},
volume = {5},
number = {35},
pages = {105-113},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso; Tong, Joyce
Diversity or Cacophony? The Continuing Debate over Sources of International Law Journal Article
In: Michigan Journal of International Law, vol. 24, pp. 1349-1375, 2004.
title = {Diversity or Cacophony? The Continuing Debate over Sources of International Law},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs and Joyce Tong},
url = {https://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/25MichJIntlL.pdf},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-00-00},
journal = {Michigan Journal of International Law},
volume = {24},
pages = {1349-1375},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso; Messina, Aïcha
Demos et Demoï: Fonder la constitution Journal Article
In: Lignes 1, vol. 1, pp. 88-109, 2004.
title = {Demos et Demoï: Fonder la constitution},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs and Aïcha Messina},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-00-00},
journal = {Lignes 1},
volume = {1},
pages = {88-109},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Magnette, Paul; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Large and Small Member States: Reinventing the Balance Journal Article
In: Research and European Issues, vol. 25, pp. 1-43, 2003, (Alternative link: https://www.euractiv.com/section/future-eu/opinion/large-and-small-member-states-in-the-european-union-reinventing-the-balance/ Summary: A real compromise for the EU presidency is still possible. URL: http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/EUPresidency.pdf).
title = {Large and Small Member States: Reinventing the Balance},
author = {Paul Magnette and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Notre Europe-Institut Jacques Delors},
url = {https://institutdelors.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/etud25-en.pdf},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-05-19},
journal = {Research and European Issues},
volume = {25},
pages = {1-43},
organization = {Notre Europe},
note = {Alternative link: https://www.euractiv.com/section/future-eu/opinion/large-and-small-member-states-in-the-european-union-reinventing-the-balance/
Summary: A real compromise for the EU presidency is still possible. URL: http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/EUPresidency.pdf},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Dire Oui au Nom de l’Europe (Saying Yes in the Name of Europe) Online
Radikal 2003.
title = {Dire Oui au Nom de l’Europe (Saying Yes in the Name of Europe) },
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/BertrandNicolaidis.pdf},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-05-13},
address = {Istanbul},
organization = {Radikal},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Weatherill, Stephen; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Whose Europe? National Models and the Constitution of the European Union Online
Weatherill, Stephen; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso (Ed.): 2003.
title = {Whose Europe? National Models and the Constitution of the European Union},
author = {Stephen Weatherill and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Stephen Weatherill and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {https://europaeum.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Whose-Europe.pdf},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-04-00},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
What is in a Name: Europe’s Federal Future and the Convention on the Future of Europe” Online
Jurist Europe 2003.
title = {What is in a Name: Europe’s Federal Future and the Convention on the Future of Europe”},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ssfc0041/fedunion0303.pdf},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-04-00},
journal = {Jurist Europe},
organization = {Jurist Europe},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Howse, Robert; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
‘This is my EUtopia…’: Narratives of Power Book
1 edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2003, ISBN: 978-1-405-11232-1.
title = {‘This is my EUtopia…’: Narratives of Power},
author = {Robert Howse and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Joseph H H Weiler and John Peterson and Iain Begg},
url = {https://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Nic-Howse2002.pdf},
isbn = {978-1-405-11232-1},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-03-00},
urldate = {2003-03-00},
booktitle = {Integration in an Expanding European Union: Reassessing the Fundamentals},
pages = {440p},
publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell},
edition = {1 edition},
chapter = {11},
series = {Journal of Common Market Studies (Book 7)},
abstract = {The original comparative mission of JCMS testifies to the propensity of the EU, since its inception, to project its model on to the rest of the world. This article argues that narratives of projection are indeed key to the EU’s global influence and that, in this particular sense, the idea of Europe as a civilian power is more relevant than ever. But such narratives require our engagement with their reflexive nature: what is usually projected is not the EU as is, but an EUtopia. At a time when both the EU and the international trade system are undergoing crises of legitimacy, EU actors can learn a lot from the remedies suggested for the global level by such an EUtopia.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Our European Demoi-cracy: Is this Constitution a Third Way for Europe? Book Chapter
In: Nicolaidïs, Kalypso; Weatherill, Stephen (Ed.): vol. Whose Europe?, Oxford University Press, Oxford, European Studies at Oxford Series, 2003.
title = {Our European Demoi-cracy: Is this Constitution a Third Way for Europe?},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs and Stephen Weatherill},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/EurDem.pdf},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-00-00},
volume = {Whose Europe?},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
address = {Oxford},
edition = {European Studies at Oxford Series},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Our European Demoi-cracy: Is this Constitution a third way for Europe? Online
Stephen Weatherill, Kalypso Nicolaidïs (Ed.): European Studies at Oxford 2003.
title = {Our European Demoi-cracy: Is this Constitution a third way for Europe?},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Stephen Weatherill, Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/EurDem.pdf},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-00-00},
organization = {European Studies at Oxford},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Living with Our Differences Journal Article
In: The Future Transatlantic Relations, 2003.
title = {Living with Our Differences},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Nikos Kotzias},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263104723_Living_with_Our_Differences},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-00-00},
journal = {The Future Transatlantic Relations},
publisher = {Palgrave},
abstract = {It is telling that the war in Iraq has changed the very way the transatlantic question is habitually posed in Europe from 'how to resolve US-EU conflicts?' to 'how should we deal with American power?' Differences that were simply taken as factors in the global and regional orders are now exposed as our central concern: the overwhelming asymmetry of military power between the United States and the European Union (and indeed the rest of the world); and the divisions within the EU as to what to do about it. There is of course a need to patch things up both on the transatlantic and intra-European front—the two are interconnected—and to devise a European global strategy for the new era of American Empire. This is the agenda of the Kastellorizo meeting of EU foreign ministers. My purpose here is to make a simple point: a prerequisite for doing things together is to learn to live with our differences. This is true between the EU and the US where we need to define a constructive and conscious division of labour in tackling some of the most pressing problems before us and creating a more secure and just world. This is also true within the EU where we need to learn to disagree better, and moreover to draw strength from our diversity. Intra-EU diversity in turn can be better exploited to foster transatlantic cooperation. In short, we need to move beyond the universal assumption that pervades for instance our EU constitutional debates that the one and only secret of success and effectiveness on the international scene is to acquire a more unified voice and a more 'common' foreign policy.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Howse, Robert; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Enhancing WTO Legitimacy: Constitutionalization or Global Subsidiarity? Journal Article
In: Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 73–94, 2003, ISBN: 0952-1895.
title = {Enhancing WTO Legitimacy: Constitutionalization or Global Subsidiarity?},
author = {Robert Howse and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Marco Verweij and Tim Josling},
url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1468-0491.00205},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0491.00205C},
isbn = {0952-1895},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-00-00},
journal = {Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions},
volume = {16},
number = {1},
pages = {73–94},
abstract = {Increasingly, scholars have articulated the challenge of global economic governance in constitutional terms. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is often painted as an incipient global economic constitution. Its legitimacy would be enhanced, some contend, by transforming the WTO treaty system into a federal construct. But the application of the language of constitutionalism to the WTO is likely to exacerbate the fears of the “discontents” of globalization that the international institutions of economic governance are not democratically accountable to anyone. We argue that the legitimacy of the multilateral trading order requires greater democratic contestability. The notion of global subsidiarity would be a more appropriate model for the WTO than that of a “federal” constitution. This notion incorporates three basic principles: institutional sensitivity, political inclusiveness, and top–down empowerment.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Howse, Robert; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Legitimacy through “Higher Law?” Why Constitutionalizing the WTO is a Step Too Far Book Chapter
In: Cottier, Thomas; Mavroidis, Petros C. (Ed.): The Role of the Judge in International Trade Regulation: Experience and Lessons for the WTO, pp. 307-48, University of Michigan Press, 2003.
title = {Legitimacy through “Higher Law?” Why Constitutionalizing the WTO is a Step Too Far},
author = {Robert Howse and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Thomas Cottier and Petros C. Mavroidis},
url = {https://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/kalypsorobwto.pdf},
doi = {10.3998/mpub.17801},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-00-00},
booktitle = {The Role of the Judge in International Trade Regulation: Experience and Lessons for the WTO},
pages = {307-48},
publisher = {University of Michigan Press},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Howse, Robert; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
‘This is my EUtopia…’: Narratives of Power Journal Article
In: Journal Of Common Market Studies, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 767-92, 2002.
title = {‘This is my EUtopia…’: Narratives of Power},
author = {Robert Howse and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {https://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Nic-Howse2002.pdf},
doi = { https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5965.00397},
year = {2002},
date = {2002-12-16},
journal = {Journal Of Common Market Studies},
volume = {40},
number = {4},
pages = {767-92},
abstract = {The original comparative mission of JCMS testifies to the propensity of the EU, since its inception, to project its model on to the rest of the world. This article argues that narratives of projection are indeed key to the EU’s global influence and that, in this particular sense, the idea of Europe as a civilian power is more relevant than ever. But such narratives require our engagement with their reflexive nature: what is usually projected is not the EU as is, but an EUtopia. At a time when both the EU and the international trade system are undergoing crises of legitimacy, EU actors can learn a lot from the remedies suggested for the global level by such an EUtopia.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso; Lacroix, Justine
Order and Justice Beyond the Nation-State: Europe’s Competing Paradigms Book Chapter
In: Foot, Rosemary; Hurrell, Andrew (Ed.): vol. Order and Justice in IR, Oxford University Press, 2002.
title = {Order and Justice Beyond the Nation-State: Europe’s Competing Paradigms},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs and Justine Lacroix},
editor = {Rosemary Foot and Andrew Hurrell},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/OrderandJustice.pdf},
year = {2002},
date = {2002-00-00},
volume = {Order and Justice in IR},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Meunier, Sophie; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Revisiting Trade Competence in the European Union: Amsterdam, Nice, and Beyond Book Chapter
In: Hosli, Madeleine O.; van Deemen, Adrian; Widgren, Mika (Ed.): Institutional Challenges in the European Union, Routledge, London/New York, 2002, ISBN: 9780415251921.
title = {Revisiting Trade Competence in the European Union: Amsterdam, Nice, and Beyond},
author = {Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Madeleine O. Hosli and Adrian van Deemen and Mika Widgren},
url = {https://www.routledge.com/Institutional-Challenges-in-the-European-Union/Hosli-Widgren-Deemen/p/book/9780415251921},
isbn = {9780415251921},
year = {2002},
date = {2002-00-00},
booktitle = {Institutional Challenges in the European Union},
publisher = {Routledge},
address = {London/New York},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Meunier, Sophie; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Who Speaks for Europe? The Delegation of Trade Authority in the European Union Journal Article
In: Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 477-501, 2002.
title = {Who Speaks for Europe? The Delegation of Trade Authority in the European Union},
author = {Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1468-5965.00174},
doi = {doi.org/10.1111/1468-5965.00174},
year = {2002},
date = {2002-00-00},
journal = {Journal of Common Market Studies},
volume = {37},
number = {3},
pages = {477-501},
abstract = {Although the Member States of the European Union (EU) have long since relinquished their power to act as autonomous actors in international trade negotiations, they have now chosen to regain some of their lost trade sovereignty. Neither the European Court of Justice’s (ECJ’s) 1994 opinion, nor the 1997 reform of the trade policy process at Amsterdam delegated full negotiating authority to the Commission over the ‘new trade issues’ of services and intellectual property. Instead, Member States settled on a hybrid form of decision‐making to enable ad hoc rather than structural delegation of competence. Was this a rollback of EU competence? If so, why has it occurred in the EU’s oldest and most successfully integrated, policy sector? A shift in the perceived trade‐off between economic interests and ideological bias on the part of key Member States can explain such a change. This article also explores the consequences for the future conduct of the EU’s trade policy and its influence in shaping the world political economy, as well as for the evolving pattern of federal allocation of jurisdiction in the EU.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Egan, Michelle; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Transnational market governance and regional policy externality: why recognize foreign standards? Journal Article
In: Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 454–473, 2001, ISSN: 1350–1763.
title = {Transnational market governance and regional policy externality: why recognize foreign standards?},
author = {Michelle Egan and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/3458898/jepp8_3.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DTransnational_Market_Governance_and_Regi.pdf&Expires=1592589991&Signature=SbYKgjP-g0Ud99wnRyOHzLRuSd0CPgJNnall8wWHgF1cmNuerR8yGCeHXqf0A-wqyx-qAKo~Es9jTeLKi0HEMluNepdC46TNR05j7by6QV2pKoANjAtwqylpqYcnboYmU~d7suRvGJgDStcRQwDqmg~GMHVQzzqfCx4Tm8QhPNUybFiVyM4S-bVjHmvKHAFSBhuOEu0rxVhNuuzokTBL4RM~iZC0-FE~yWjB6WGjDMFcOi~FHAImBdyvwCb3JYKiJgE4PmjlGBRvRf4T2BvxkiE0ertQqfK1o49HgacJlwPm9xv1bGHbsLSWqHVcQC3yzYV6XvqMMMBxKBqZDglcPQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA},
doi = {10.1080/13501760110056068},
issn = {1350–1763},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-08-00},
journal = {Journal of European Public Policy},
volume = {8},
number = {3},
pages = {454–473},
abstract = {Addressing non-discriminatory barriers to trade in the form of national standards and regulations has become central to global trade diplomacy. As a result, we increasingly observe a combined delegation of regulatory authority across borders and from the public to the private sectors through the norms of mutual recognition and standardization. This paper asks what the conditions are for such transnational market governance and seeks to explain variations in the specic applications of these principles across different levels of governance, European, transatlantic and international. First, we argue that European integration has resulted in regional policy externalities, whereby developments in the single market changed the operating environment for non-EU actors, creating a demand for negotiations both on their part and on the EU’s part. Through such strategic spillover, the EU has beneted from a ‘rst mover advantage’ by exporting core elements of its model. Second, we argue that regulatory compatibility between countries constitutes only part of the explanation for effective common governance. To account for modes of governance we also need to examine institutional conditions both internally and transnationally.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Grabbe, Heather; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Fostering Social Inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of EU Accession Conditionality Online
World Bank Working Paper 39 2001.
title = {Fostering Social Inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of EU Accession Conditionality},
author = {Heather Grabbe and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/NicolaidisGrabbe01.pdf},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-01-00},
organization = {World Bank Working Paper 39},
abstract = {Through the process of eastward enlargement, the European Union has developed a wide range of strategies and techniques to effect institutional change in central and eastern Europe. Conditionality lies at the heart of the EU’s approach, and it has built a structure of incentives and constraints to motivate reformers to transform both democratic and market institutions. This paper explores the instruments used by the EU to strengthen institutions, build organisational capacity, and increase social inclusion in the candidate countries of central and eastern Europe. It concludes that the relative effectiveness of the different mechanisms used depends on how consistently the EU has pursued particular policy goals. The EU’s success in fostering social inclusion has been blunted by the inconsistent messages it has sent to the candidates about social policy. This inconsistency is in turn partly the result of a tension between the EU’s dual roles of aid donor and gatekeeper for club membership.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Howse, Robert; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU Book
Oxford University Press, 2001, ISBN: 9780199245000.
title = {The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU},
author = {Robert Howse and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Robert Howse and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/0199245002.001.0001/acprof-9780199245000},
doi = {10.1093/0199245002.001.0001},
isbn = {9780199245000},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-00-00},
publisher = { Oxford University Press},
abstract = {This book is about the complex and changing relationship between levels of governance in the US and the European Union. On the basis of a transatlantic dialogue between scholars concerned about modes of governance on both sides, it is a collective attempt at analysing the ramifications of the legitimacy crisis in these multi‐layered democracies, and possible remedies to this. Starting from a focus on the current policy debates over ‘devolution’ and ‘subsidiarity’, the book engages the reader into the broader tension of comparative federalism. Its authors believe that in spite of the fundamental differences between them, both the EU and the USA are in the process of re‐defining a federal vision for the twenty‐first century. The book is a contribution to the study of federalism and European integration, and seeks to bridge the divide between the two. It also bridges the traditional divide between technical, legal or regulatory discussions of federal governance and philosophical debates over questions of belonging and multiple identities. It is a multi‐disciplinary project, bringing together historians, political scientists and theorists, legal scholars, sociologists and political economists (more than 20 authors are involved), and includes both innovative analysis and prescriptions on how to reshape the federal contract in the USA and the EU. Included are introductions to the history of federalism in the USA and the EU, the current debates over devolution and subsidiarity, the legal framework of federalism and theories of regulatory federalism, as well as innovative approaches to the application of network analysis, principal‐agent models, institutionalist analysis, and political theories of citizenship to the federal context. The introduction and conclusion by the editors draws out cross‐cutting themes and lessons from the thinking together of the EU and USA experiences, and suggest how a ‘federal vision’ could be freed from the hierarchical paradigm of the ‘federal state’ and articulated around concepts of mutual tolerance and empowerment. The seventeen chapters are arranged in five sections: I. Articulating the Federal Vision (two chapters)—views of federalism in its USA and EU versions; II. Levels of Governance in the USA and the European Union: Facts and Diagnosis (four chapters)—an overview of the history and current state of federalism in the USA and EU; III. Legal and Regulatory Instruments of Federal Governance (three chapters); IV. Federalism, Legitimacy, and Governance: Models for Understanding (four chapters); V. Federalism, Legitimacy, and Identity (four chapters)—a discussion of the deeper roots of legitimacy in federal systems; there is also an appendix, which discusses the basic principles for the allocation of competence in the USA and EU.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Europe’s Tainted Mirror: Reflections on Turkey’s Candidacy Status After Helsinki Book Chapter
In: Keridis, Dimitris; Triantafyllou, Dimitris (Ed.): Greek-Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalization, pp. 245-277, Brassey's, 2001.
title = {Europe’s Tainted Mirror: Reflections on Turkey’s Candidacy Status After Helsinki},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Dimitris Keridis and Dimitris Triantafyllou},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/27377534_Greek-Turkish_Relations_in_the_Era_of_Globalization},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-00-00},
booktitle = {Greek-Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalization},
pages = {245-277},
publisher = {Brassey's},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Meunier, Sophie; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Trade Competence Debate in the Nice Treaty Journal Article
In: ECSA Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 2001.
title = {Trade Competence Debate in the Nice Treaty},
author = {Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {http://aei.pitt.edu/65/1/NiceTreatyForum.html},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-00-00},
journal = {ECSA Review},
volume = {14},
number = {2},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Regulatory cooperation and managed mutual recognition: elements of a strategic model Book Chapter
In: Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation, Legal Problems and Political Prospects, pp. 571-600, 2001.
title = {Regulatory cooperation and managed mutual recognition: elements of a strategic model},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-00-00},
booktitle = {Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation, Legal Problems and Political Prospects},
pages = {571-600},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Meunier, Sophie; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
EU Trade Policy: The Exclusive Versus Shared' Competence Debate Book Chapter
In: Cowles, Maria Green; Smith, Michael (Ed.): The State of the European Union: Risks, Reform, Resistance, and Revival, 2000, ISBN: 9780198297574.
title = {EU Trade Policy: The Exclusive Versus Shared' Competence Debate},
author = {Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Maria Green Cowles and Michael Smith},
url = {https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/0198297572.001.0001/acprof-9780198297574-chapter-16},
doi = {10.1093/0198297572.003.0016},
isbn = {9780198297574},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-00-00},
booktitle = {The State of the European Union: Risks, Reform, Resistance, and Revival},
abstract = {This chapter argues that the policy equilibrium established by the Treaty is unlikely to be sustainable due to several challenges. These are the relaunching of multilateral trade negotiations under the World Trade Organisation, the Eastward enlargement of the EU, and the proliferation of bilateral and plurilateral agreements between the EU and its trading partners. Existing policy mechanisms that should be replaced are discussed.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Drake, William J.; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Global Electronic Commerce and the General Agreement on Trade in Services: The Millennium Round and Beyond Book Chapter
In: Sauve, Pierre; Stern, Robert M. (Ed.): GATS 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization, pp. 399-437, The Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, 2000.
title = {Global Electronic Commerce and the General Agreement on Trade in Services: The Millennium Round and Beyond},
author = {William J. Drake and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Pierre Sauve and Robert M. Stern},
url = {https://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/William_J_Drake_and_Kalypso_Nicolaidis_2.pdf},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-00-00},
urldate = {2000-00-00},
booktitle = {GATS 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization},
pages = {399-437},
publisher = {The Brookings Institution Press},
address = {Washington DC},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Trachtman, Joel P.; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
From Policed Regulation to Managed Recognition in GATS Book Chapter
In: Sauvé, Pierre; Stern, Robert M. (Ed.): GATS 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization, pp. 241-280, Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C., 2000.
title = {From Policed Regulation to Managed Recognition in GATS},
author = {Joel P. Trachtman and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Pierre Sauvé and Robert M. Stern},
url = {https://www.questia.com/read/91714294/gats-2000-new-directions-in-services-trade-liberalization},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-00-00},
booktitle = {GATS 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization},
pages = {241-280},
publisher = {Brookings Institution Press},
address = {Washington D.C.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
In: Mnookin, Robert; Susskind, Larry (Ed.): Negotiating on Behalf of Others, SAGE Publications, Inc, 1999.
title = {Minimizing Agency Costs in Two-Level Games: Lessons from the Trade Authority Controversies in the United States and the European Union},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Robert Mnookin and Larry Susskind},
url = {https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/negotiating-on-behalf-of-others/book7236},
doi = {10.4135/9781452225524.n6},
year = {1999},
date = {1999-10-00},
booktitle = {Negotiating on Behalf of Others},
publisher = {SAGE Publications, Inc},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Moravcsik, Andrew; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam: Interests, Influence and Institutions Journal Article
In: Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 59-85, 1999.
title = {Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam: Interests, Influence and Institutions},
author = {Andrew Moravcsik and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/Amsterdam99.pdf},
year = {1999},
date = {1999-03-00},
journal = {Journal of Common Market Studies},
volume = {37},
number = {1},
pages = {59-85},
abstract = {This article offers a basic explanation of the process and outcome of negotiating the Treaty of Amsterdam. We pose three questions: What explains the national preferences of the major governments? Given those substantive national preferences, what explains bargaining outcomes among them? Given those substantive bargains, what explains the choice of international institutions to implement them? We argue in favour of an explanation based on three elements. Issue-specific interdependence explains national preferences. Inter-state bargaining based on asymmetrical interdependence explains the outcomes of substantive negotiation. The need for credible commitments explains institutional choices to pool and delegate sovereignty. Other oft-cited factors – European ideology, supranational entrepreneurship, technocratic consider- ations, or the random flux and non-rational processes of ‘garbage can’ decision-making – play secondary roles. Remaining areas of ambiguity are flagged for future research.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Power and Negotiation: When Should Lambs Negotiate with Lions? Book Chapter
In: Kolb, Deborah M.; Rubin, Jeffrey Z. (Ed.): Negotiations Eclectics, Essays in Memory of Jeff Rubin, SAGE Publications, Inc, 1999, ISBN: 978-1880711132.
title = {Power and Negotiation: When Should Lambs Negotiate with Lions?},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Deborah M. Kolb and Jeffrey Z. Rubin},
url = {https://www.amazon.co.uk/Negotiation-Eclectics-Essays-Memory-Jeffrey/dp/1880711133},
isbn = {978-1880711132},
year = {1999},
date = {1999-00-00},
booktitle = {Negotiations Eclectics, Essays in Memory of Jeff Rubin},
publisher = {SAGE Publications, Inc},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Moravcsik, Andrew; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Federal Ideals vs Constitutional Realities in the Amsterdam Treaty Journal Article
In: Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Review, vol. 36, pp. 13-38, 1998.
title = {Federal Ideals vs Constitutional Realities in the Amsterdam Treaty},
author = {Andrew Moravcsik and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/federalideals.pdf},
year = {1998},
date = {1998-09-00},
journal = {Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Review},
volume = {36},
pages = {13-38},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Exploring Second-Best Solutions in Cyprus Journal Article
In: Survival, The ISS Quarterly, 1998.
title = {Exploring Second-Best Solutions in Cyprus},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {https://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/secondbest-Nicolaidis.pdf},
year = {1998},
date = {1998-08-00},
journal = {Survival, The ISS Quarterly},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Coglianese, Cary; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Securing Subsidiarity: Legitimacy and the Allocation of Governing Authority Journal Article
In: Electronic Working Paper Series in Political Science, 1998.
title = {Securing Subsidiarity: Legitimacy and the Allocation of Governing Authority},
author = {Cary Coglianese and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Essfc0041/subsid.htm},
year = {1998},
date = {1998-00-00},
journal = {Electronic Working Paper Series in Political Science},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Allison, Graham; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
The Greek Paradox: Promise vs Performance Book
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997, ISBN: 9780262510929.
title = {The Greek Paradox: Promise vs Performance},
author = {Graham Allison and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Graham Allison and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/greek-paradox},
isbn = {9780262510929},
year = {1997},
date = {1997-00-00},
booktitle = {The Greek Paradox: Promise vs Performance},
publisher = {Cambridge: MIT Press},
abstract = {As a bridge between the East and West, a pole of stability in the Balkans, and a Mediterranean crossroads, Greece could play a significant role in the post-Cold War world. But Greece's performance in domestic and international policy falls short of this promise. The essays in The Greek Paradox look at some of the reasons for this gap and suggest possible political and economic reforms.The contributors, both scholars and policymakers, examine a range of contemporary issues in the Balkans and on NATO's southern flank. The essays shed light on nation building, political and economic development, modernization, and post-Cold War international relations.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Greeks and the ‘Macedonian Question’: Lessons for a Better Future Book Chapter
In: Psaltzgraff, Robert; Keridis, Dimitri (Ed.): Security in Southeastern Europe and the US-Greek Relations, pp. 73-87, NY: Brassey’s, 1997.
title = {Greeks and the ‘Macedonian Question’: Lessons for a Better Future},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Robert Psaltzgraff and Dimitri Keridis},
url = {http://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Nicolaidis_Greeks-and-the-Macedonian-Question.pdf},
year = {1997},
date = {1997-00-00},
booktitle = {Security in Southeastern Europe and the US-Greek Relations},
pages = {73-87},
publisher = {NY: Brassey’s},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Managed Mutual Recognition: The New Approach to the Liberalization of Professional Services Online
Liberalization of Trade in Professional Services, (OECD Publications) 1997.
title = {Managed Mutual Recognition: The New Approach to the Liberalization of Professional Services},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
url = {http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ssfc0041/managemr.htm},
year = {1997},
date = {1997-00-00},
organization = {Liberalization of Trade in Professional Services, (OECD Publications)},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
International Preventive Action: Developing a Strategic Framework Book Chapter
In: Rotberg, Robert (Ed.): Vigilance and vengeance : NGOs preventing ethnic conflict in divided societies, Brookings, Washington, 1996, ISBN: 0815775881.
title = {International Preventive Action: Developing a Strategic Framework},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Robert Rotberg},
url = {https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/15031400?selectedversion=NBD12585935},
isbn = {0815775881},
year = {1996},
date = {1996-00-00},
booktitle = {Vigilance and vengeance : NGOs preventing ethnic conflict in divided societies},
publisher = {Brookings},
address = {Washington},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Eastern European Trade in the Aftermath of 1989: Did International Institutions Matter? Book Chapter
In: Keohane, Robert; Hoffmann, Stanley; Nye, Joseph (Ed.): After the Cold-War: State Strategies and International Institutions in Europe, 1989-1991, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
title = {Eastern European Trade in the Aftermath of 1989: Did International Institutions Matter?},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Robert Keohane and Stanley Hoffmann and Joseph Nye},
url = {https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/After_the_Cold_War.html?id=-QguRq9KtVMC&redir_esc=y},
year = {1993},
date = {1993-06-00},
booktitle = {After the Cold-War: State Strategies and International Institutions in Europe, 1989-1991},
publisher = {Harvard University Press},
address = {Cambridge},
abstract = {In the fall of 1989 the world watched as the Berlin Wall came down. More than a dramatic symbol of the collapse of the Soviet bloc, the event marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War and the arrival of a whole new era in world politics. How the world powers, built upon foundations that were suddenly shifting, adapted to this new reality is the subject of After the Cold War.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Haggard, Stephan; Levy, Marc; Moravcsik, Andrew; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Integrating the Two Halves of Europe: Theories of Interests, Bargaining and Institutions Book Chapter
In: Keohane, Robert; Hoffmann, Stanley; Nye, Joseph (Ed.): After the Cold-War: State Strategies and International Institutions in Europe, 1989-1991, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
title = {Integrating the Two Halves of Europe: Theories of Interests, Bargaining and Institutions},
author = {Stephan Haggard and Marc Levy and Andrew Moravcsik and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {Robert Keohane and Stanley Hoffmann and Joseph Nye},
url = {https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/After_the_Cold_War.html?id=-QguRq9KtVMC&redir_esc=y},
year = {1993},
date = {1993-06-00},
booktitle = {After the Cold-War: State Strategies and International Institutions in Europe, 1989-1991},
publisher = {Harvard University Press},
address = {Cambridge},
abstract = {In the fall of 1989 the world watched as the Berlin Wall came down. More than a dramatic symbol of the collapse of the Soviet bloc, the event marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War and the arrival of a whole new era in world politics. How the world powers, built upon foundations that were suddenly shifting, adapted to this new reality is the subject of After the Cold War.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Mutual recognition, regulatory competition and the globalization of professional services Book Chapter
In: Aharoni, Yair (Ed.): Coalitions and Competition: The Globalization of Professional Business Services, Routledge publishers, London, 1993, ISBN: 9780415722599.
title = {Mutual recognition, regulatory competition and the globalization of professional services},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
editor = {Yair Aharoni},
url = {https://www.routledge.com/Coalitions-and-Competition-Routledge-Revivals-The-Globalization-of-Professional/Aharoni/p/book/9780415722599},
isbn = {9780415722599},
year = {1993},
date = {1993-00-00},
booktitle = {Coalitions and Competition: The Globalization of Professional Business Services},
publisher = {Routledge publishers},
address = {London},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Drake, William; Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Ideas, Interests, and Institutionalization: "Trade in Services" and the Uruguay Round Journal Article
In: International Organization, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 37-100, 1992.
title = {Ideas, Interests, and Institutionalization: "Trade in Services" and the Uruguay Round},
author = {William Drake and Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
url = {https://kalypsonicolaidis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2706952.pdf},
year = {1992},
date = {1992-00-00},
journal = {International Organization},
volume = {46},
number = {1},
pages = {37-100},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso
Revamping the GATT: Toward Regional Multilateralism Journal Article
In: Project Promethee Perspectives, 1990.
title = {Revamping the GATT: Toward Regional Multilateralism},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs},
year = {1990},
date = {1990-03-00},
journal = {Project Promethee Perspectives},
address = {Paris},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nicolaidïs, Kalypso; Braunschvig, David
European Infrastructures at the Heart of Sustainable Growth Journal Article
In: Information Time, 1990.
title = {European Infrastructures at the Heart of Sustainable Growth},
author = {Kalypso Nicolaidïs and David Braunschvig},
year = {1990},
date = {1990-01-00},
journal = {Information Time},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Bressand, Albert; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso
Regional Integration in a Networked World Economy Book Chapter
In: Wallace, William (Ed.): The dynamics of European integration, Pinter publishers, London & New York, 1990, ISBN: 0861878434.
title = {Regional Integration in a Networked World Economy},
author = {Albert Bressand and Kalypso Nicolaïdis},
editor = {William Wallace},
url = {https://www.amazon.com/Dynamics-European-integration-William-Wallace/dp/0861878434},
isbn = {0861878434},
year = {1990},
date = {1990-00-00},
booktitle = {The dynamics of European integration},
publisher = {Pinter publishers},
address = {London & New York},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}