In their new book, “A Citizen’s Guide to the Rule of Law – Why We Need to Fight for the Most Precious Human Inventions of All Time”, Kalypso Nicolaidis and Dr. Adis Merdzanovic investigate the importance of the #ruleoflaw: what it is, why it matters and why citizens have to defend it.
It was a pleasure to join the discussion with Alexander Stubb, Sarah Nouwen and Othon Anastasakis about this citizen-centred approach at the book launch event, organised jointly by the EUI School of Transnational Governance and SEESOX St Antonys College Oxford on June 17th.
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Happy to announce the publication of Binding the Guardian a report on the Rule of Law country reports by the European Commission. Download the PDF here.
Authors: Albena Azmanova (Associate Professor of Political Theory, University of Kent, Brussels School of International Studies), Bethany Howard *Researcher, European Parliament)
Commissioned by: Clare Daly (Member of European Parliament), with Lide Iruin Ibarzabal (Policy Advisor) and Eadaoin O’Sullivan (Parliamentary Assistant)
Advisory Group: Kalypso Nicolaïdis (Professor of International Relations, Oxford University and European University Institute, Chair), Evgenii Dainov (Professor of Political Science, New Bulgarian University, Sofia), Adis Merdzanovic (Senior Research Fellow, Zurich University of Applied Sciences), Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (Professor of Democracy Studies, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin), Laurent Pech (Professor, School of Law, Middlesex University London)