
On this page, I assemble all my different contributions to post-colonialism debates. So far, it has remained relatively unstructured, so feel free to browse till the end of the page.

November 2021: Reversing the Democratic Gaze (w/ Richard Youngs) in Carnegie Europe.

Book Roundtable ‘The External Action of the European Union. Concepts, Approaches, Theories’
Date: Nov 25, 2021

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: rz6U9A^0

Echo Book

Echoes of Empire: The Present of Europe’s Colonial Pasts, edited with Berny Sebe, I.B. Taurus, 2015

Echoes of empire

How does our colonial past echo through today’s global politics? How have former empire-builders sought vindication or atonement, and formerly colonized states reversal or retribution? This groundbreaking book presents a panoramic view of attitudes to empires past and present, seen not only through the hard politics of international power structures but also through the nuances of memory, historiography and national and minority cultural identities.


Buy here

Oxford and Colonialism

December 2021 The Oxford working group on Oxford of Colonialism which I created in 2016 and co-chaired with Laura van Broekhoven and coordinated by Dorian Singh finally completed its stage 1 goal to spearhead the new website gathering a wealth of material on Oxford and Colonialism produced by departments, colleges and other actors in and around the University:

This all makes for fascinating read and we are all hoping that it will be beginning of a process. 

Oxford created the Working Group on Oxford University and Colonialism in the Spring of 2016 to help mediate a conversation between all constituencies of the University on issues related to Oxford’s colonial legacies. 

Relevant articles:

In October 2020, I spoke in the special edition of ARTE’S VOX POP on memory colonialism in Europe:

Kalypso Nicolaïdis: Bringing Europe Back In: Global IR, Area Studies and the Decentring Agenda (as part of: Does International Relations Need Area Studies?)In: St Antony’s International Review (STAIR), 16 (1), pp. 197-206, 2020.

Oxford suggests creating a second Cecil Rhodes statue for students to write explicit graffiti on as university makes plans to broaden its appeal to minorities, DailyMail, 15 April 2018

Rival statues to shame slave traders, The Sunday Times, 11 April 2018

(Photo CC BY-NC 2.0Arnaud Malon)